Get ready for the launch...(plus recipe!)

It's all systems go...Wholeplus is live!

Wohoo...excitement...smiley face...scared face...anticipation!! 

My little project over the last few months has finally been brought to life and is now in the final process of being let loose in gyms and online (UK residents only- sorry!) It's still early days so there may well be teething problems and I am still finalising methods of purchase and product details so bare with me...but it's all happending at last.

You can check it all out here (or see the side bar badge) with a brand spanking new website and logo design. Please please feel free to give any feedback postive or negative as I still finalising a few details and want to get things right!

I also happy because I have managed to launch this project before my 30th birthday (which is tomorrow!!)  I had a mini ultimatum in my mind when I quit my job at the end of last year that I had until my birthday to 'prove' to myself that my dreams and aspirations with my blog, photography, nutrition and general creativity were actually going somewhere!  I finally feel I am well on the way......

I promise I won't continue to talk about it so much on here, it's just taken over my life a lot over the last few weeks and months and so it has been a little hard to shut up about it! I appreciate that many of my followers and readersa are not UK based so may be ok less interest. Though I will contunie to share new developments and ideas as they creativity is my thing and that can be shared with you all to inspire you own creativity in the kitchen, right?

I couldn't leave you without a super simple recipe, one for the chocoholics and the kids! 

Super sweet and chocolatey with a healthy kick to boot. It's a winner all round! You will need to whip up a batch of healthy chocolate sprinkles in advance...make a jarful and use for numerous breakfast bowls or desserts. This will store for a good few weeks.  The chocolate topping is particularly good as the chocolate melts into a hot bowl of oats whilst the dates sweetens the mix. Nuts, seeds and other goodies give you the extra boost!

Recipe: Choc sprinkle porridge

Serves 1


½ cup oats
1 ½ cups milk (more or less as preferred)
Approx. 2 tbs choc sprinkle topping (make sure you add cocoa to the recipe linked)


Cook porridge either on the hob or in the microwave using your usual method. Once cooked add up to 2tbs chocolate sprinkle topping and stir through until the warmth of the porridge melts and infuses the cocoa.

Add extra fresh fruit to the top if preferred. Eat immediately.

For further guidance on making gluten free choices please see this post.

For tips and info on recipe measurement conversions, ingredients, substitutions and the methods behind how I do things.... check out my 'baking tips' tab at the top of the page.
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Apple and blueberry 'birthday' baked oatmeal (or Mother's Day breakfast!)


Fruit and nut bake!