Mantra for Monday no. 65

Today you get a double dose of reflection since you already had my 'Inspired in March' post this morning.... I hope you don't mind! It's good to reflect at such a time of year (but yes in case you were worried there will be recipes resuming tomorrow!)

I'll keep it short and sweet.

It's Easter Monday- a time for both indulgence and new beginnings, or taking time out from your busy schedule with the long bank holiday weekend and maybe sitting a while.

Appreciate the beauty that life offers. Your home, your comforts, your family, your friends, the outdoors, the sky, the birds, the plants that desperately trying to peek through the frozen ground in amidst the snow (ok I admit my daffodils don't look like this yet!).

Beauty is not rare, but in contrast our appreciation for it often is. At this time of year when new life all around us becomes so apparent, take a moment in your day to smile and give thanks.

What is a Mantra for Monday?
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Creamy quinoa porridge


Inspired in March