‘Magic’ dairy free cream topping... 2 minutes!

Ok, so maybe this topping isn’t actually magic.....but it is almost!

2 base ingredients, 2 minutes and almost infinite variations...plus it’s healthy and allergy friendly.

Seriously could you really ask for any more magic?

Since making the discovery a few weeks ago, I have hinted at this recipe and posted a few of it’s variations for it’s use in recent posts but I figured it was time to give it the attention it deserved and write it’s own dedicated post. It’s all about the topping...and everyone loves a good topping!

As mentioned back in this post, the original idea to use coconut flour to make coconut cream was not my own, The Dairy Free Queen regularly mixes it up into a coconut cream. However I had even greater success when I took this idea to another level and combined it with yoghurt (either dairy or non-dairy works fine- I typically use soy as it’s most readily available to me). It makes the cream super smooth and thick also visually less lumpy (though it still tastes great simply mixed with non-dairy milk as per the original method).

The two base ingredients are coconut flour and yoghurt but there are various additions to tweak it. It has a mild coconut flavour which can easily be disguised with other mix-ins. I have provide two cream options below, but of course there are varying degrees of 'thickness' in between depending on your desired use.  It freezes well and makes an amazing chilled cheese cake! You can also bake it. I made a mini baked cheesecake recipe which I will try and post later this week, though to be honest the unbaked version as in the green smoothie cheesecake is amazing...and may possibly be my preference over baked!

Check out the coconut cream recipes so far below...and then go and make your own. So quick and easy, if you don’t already have coconut flour this is definitely worth buying some for (note I have tried with other flours such as almond and it doesn’t work...I have warned you!)

Chocolate buckwheat bake

Healthy Cadbury's Eggs

Creamy Dark chocolate shake

Green Smoothie Peppermint Cheesecake

Recipe: Cream topping

Makes approx ¾ cup

Thin whippy topping Ingredients:

1/4 cup fine coconut flour
1/3  cup non-dairy milk
1-2 tbs yoghurt of choice
Stevia or syrup to taste
A few drops vanilla extract- optional


Thicker  ‘clotted cream’ style topping ingredients:

½ cup yoghurt (I use soy)
2 tbs fine coconut flour
Stevia or syrup to taste
A few drops vanilla extract- optional
(other flavours also optional)


Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and stir together well. Let sit for a few seconds and test the consistency (coconut flour absorbs a lot of liquid), add more wet or dry ingredients as needed

Sneak preview of baked cheesecakes...coming soon!

For further guidance on making gluten free choices please see this post.

For tips and info on recipe measurement conversions, ingredients, substitutions and the methods behind how I do things.... check out my 'baking tips' tab at the top of the page.
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Mantra for Monday no. 66