Choc chip chunks- no bake!

This recipe originally formed the basis for one of the Wholeplus Energy range, but then my flavours changed tack and this got nudged out. They are delicious though so they couldn’t be sidelined without a big shout out on here!

So simply- just three key ingredients. I use cocoa nibs which are amazing in these bars, they give a harder crunch and a bitter chocolate taste, but of course if your prefer to swap in dark chocolate chips then feel free to do so.

I used a little vanilla bean powder in this recipe, I sometimes find that liquid extracts made with an alcohol base have a slightly bitter aftertaste in no bake treats- use the oil based versions if you can. Some people also find that a touch of  almond extract gives more of a cookie like flavour.  Don’t skip the salt as it really makes the flavour come together and pop!

For more no bake treats and bars, you’ll find them here.

Recipe: Choc chip chunks


50g cashews or almond (use blanched for a lighter colour)
100g dates ( I use deglet noor)
20g cacoa nibs
Up to 10g ground oatmeal (only if mixture is too sticky)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract or 1/4 tsp vanilla bean powder (or almond extract if referred)
Pinch sea salt
1 tbs maca powder (optional-gives a slightly ‘malty’ flavour)


Coarsely process the nuts and set aside.

Blend the dates until they form a paste. Add all the remaining ingredients and pulse to fully combine whilst keeping coarse chunks. The mixture should be slightly sticky.

Form bars by pressing the mixture into the bottom of a lined mini loaf pan, and allowing to chill to firm up before slicing. I then chopped the bars into cubes.

For further guidance on making gluten free choices please see this post.

For tips and info on recipe measurement conversions, ingredients, substitutions and the methods behind how I do things.... check out my 'baking tips' tab at the top of the page.
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Mantra for Monday no. 68