Mantra for Monday no. 63

I spent a few leisurely minutes Pinteresting this afternoon. I hadn't been on there in a while so it was beautifully refreshing to be inspired by so many words of wisdom, gorgeous crafts and more than a recipe or two!  If you would like to tag along you can find me here. 

These words caught my my eye, and feel so fitting to much so that I had alluded to this exact sentiment on my 'about' page, way back when I first began this blog.

Sometimes the saying 'ignorance is bliss' appeals to me...appeals in its simplicity in the sometimes overwhelming chaos of life.  I admit there are some areas in my life I allow this indulgence, I know that maybe I don't take as much interest in news and worldly affairs as I maybe should, the development of my knowledge and experiences tend to track in other directions.

I've become a whole new person over these last couple of years, or maybe more accurately I have become the person I already truly was but just didn't know it.

I am still in the process of 'becoming' still learning and still stretching... I never plan on stopping and I hope you don't let's just hope our minds are made of elastic!

What is a Mantra for Monday?
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Quinoa-power breakfast cakes


Silent Sunday no. 63