Mantra for Monday no. 50

I originally came across these words within an image on saw shared on Facebook (I am unsure of the attribution), they rang so true to me and I immediately felt the need to create my own. The physical manifestation of my own 'image', written on the children's chalkboard in large letters caused me to stop and stare awhile.

As much progress as I feel I am making on my sense of self-validation and happiness in simply being, some days all it takes is a slight knock for me to feel as if I'm right back at the start. But I am getting there, and I will get there...I am sure of that. On those positive days I feel happy, empowered and invincible and I need no-one to support me. However in the times of challenge when my smile subsides and the emotions begin to take control, or I see happy couples in the street, I am reminded of the areas in me that are empty, waiting to be filled.

Am I kidding myself that I am happy 'without someone' or am I simply in the process of understanding how that can be? Either way, I am a strong believer in the fact that you need to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with anyone else. One day I hope to find my soul mate...but first I still need to work on myself.

What is a Mantra for Monday?

Silent Sunday no 50: The first snow of the season surprised the UK last Tuesday, the pretty patterns across the roof light in the office could have mesmerised me for hours.

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Silent Sunday no. 50