DAY ONE: Mantra for Monday no. 40

My ‘Mantra or Monday’ serves as an inspiration for the week ahead, a motivation to make you think and set you up in a clear and positive frame of mind.

For the month of October my ‘mantras’ will more directly relate to the plant based lifestyle as a continuation in my taking part in Vegan MOFO 2012. I hope they continue to inspire you.

The photograph of this quote comes directly from Michael Pollan’s book Food Rules. This book is on my holiday reading list and a quick flick through set my eyes on this page. The truth and brevity of those simply words caught my attention. It is non-jundgemental, it does not draw upon morals or guilt in an attempt to convince others of the vegan lifestyle, it is simple and honest.

It is the simplicity and honesty of the plant based lifestyle that rings most truth with me and I hope to be able to share this with you all.

What is a Mantra for Monday?

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DAY TWO: chocolate trail mix cookies


I'm taking part....Vegan MOFO 2012!