Inspired in July

Here we are again, time flies! 

This month has been one of excitement across the UK and the rest of the world…the Olympics! Now it is in full swing I’m only disappointed that I didn’t get a ticket to watch the events and experience the atmosphere of the Olympic village first hand. Even so, everywhere you go the atmosphere is electric, and with the torch relay having made its journey right across the UK it seems everyone has had a chance to get on board with the Olympic spirit.

Plus the sun has finally come out, my vegetables are growing and I’ve made new progress with my pole fitness….so things are beginning to come together at last. Long may it continue!

Main photo: In the spirit of summer this month’s most popular post was this ‘Secret Ingredient’ Dark Chocolate Ice Creamyou know you’re curious to try it too!

I created my own pole fitness website all by myself! (ok, so I’m a little bit proud since I had no previous web skills at all before beginning this blog and learning a little as I went along)

Creating my own YouTube Channel for my Pole Choreography

Eating lots of chia seeds-  chia puddings using yoghurt and fruit may be my new favourite snack.

Paying attention to my physiotherapist who said a bag should be worn across the body and not on one shoulder to correct posture…new cross-body bag ordered and just received yesterday!

Loving the ‘playlist radio’ app on Spotify

I finally read the highly acclaimed ‘Skinny Bitch’ by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. The language might not be to everyine's tatste, but  it is short, blunt and gives you what you exactly what you might need to hear… No excuses!

Designing my own super speedy ‘tabata’ workout to blitz me in to a sweat every morning within 10 minutes.

Using the tutorials on this website to learn some simple but effective Photoshop techniques (another area I’m trying to increase my knowledge in).

Also referring to this website for tips on improving photography.

This great free site for easy customisable photo gallery slide shows and much more.

What have I been making this month?...all spin off's fudge related of course!

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buckwheat breakfast bowl


Mantra for Monday no. 31