My first guest post!

When I do things I like to do them properly.  It’s part of my competitive nature I guess. I like a challenge and I like to prove that something can be done when others would have assumed otherwise. Take the concept of a healthy dessert… most people that would sound like a contradiction!

So it follows that I also like to do my research. Whether it be finding new recipe concepts, analysing ingredients and how things can go together, getting the best prices for my baking supplies or finding good companies who share some of the same principles as me.

A few months ago I came across a new company that did just that.  I was doing a lot of investigation in to Chia seeds at the time and The Real Food Source offered the best price I had come across anywhere in the UK. Shortly after they expanded their product range further to include many other ingredients I already used on a daily basis- coconut oil, ground almonds and agave syrup to name a few.

A new relationship was born!

Today I am very excited to announce my first guest post over at The Real Food Source. My original speedy seedy crackers were a winner with my family and friends and have been made on numerous occasions, but here I have tweaked the original recipe again to experiment a little further using these new seeds and grains and including a generous serving of chia seeds!

I’d love for you to take a look, and if you feel inclined leave a little comment.  My first guest post is an exciting time for me.   Here’s a little teaser to get you going….!

Note: I have also updated my ‘baking tips’ tab.

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Maple walnut cake with parsnip


Mantra for Monday no. 6