In the Hills

I’m back…you probably didn’t realise I’d gone, well it was only for a few days after all and I did plan ahead and schedule a couple of posts. So really nothing different, except maybe a different ‘me’.

…a rested, refreshed, reinvigorated me!

It did me the world of good to get away from my computer and up into the hills for some good winter walks to remind me of what it really feels like to be alive!

Snuggled up in a cosy little cottage up in the Herefordshire countryside, with some great friends and a good book for an evening read in front of the fire- the perfect way to unwind. I’ve been meaning to get properly stuck into Plate to Pixel by Helene Dujardin ever since Christmas when I received the book as a present and this provided the perfect opportunity to do so. I’m beginning to try and out the tips I have learnt in the book and elsewhere into practice- hence my elation at my first successful night shot,

I still have a long way to go but hopefully my improvements over time will begin to show for themselves.

So how was your Valentine’s day?  Indulgent? Cosy? A little bit special? Or maybe it was simply a day like any other….or the perfect excuse for a guilt free chocolate trip….?

I have plenty of ideas for new recipes up my sleeve so have planned a baking filled weekend coming up…particularly when it comes to pancakes since Pancake Day in the UK is on Tuesday 21st

…lots of preparations to do!

So for now I will leave you with a few photos from my trip- the amazing winter sun sparkling across the mountain sides. Plus a few little tasters of my favourite meal- a vegan ‘sharing platter’ (but I ate it all myself) that follows my recent dip theme just perfectly.


5-Minute Veggie Noodle comfort


Mantra for Monday no. 7