jo hodson jo hodson

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There are many ways you can change your life, but nourishing your body and mind is a good place to start!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could… Have access to a qualified health and mindset coach and spend a day diving deep into all your health and wellness concerns to bring you back to a place of feeling empowered about your health and inspired to get creative in the kitchen.

You’ll love Health Coach On Call. It’s like having your very own health and wellness expert ready to help you at your kitchen counter… for an entire day!

Sign up here for my content delivered to your inbox and get access to my free resources.

Day to day you can always find me hanging out here:


There are many ways you can change your life, but nourishing your body and mind is a good place to start!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could… Have access to a qualified health and mindset coach and spend a day diving deep into all your health and wellness concerns to bring you back to a place of feeling empowered about your health and inspired to get creative in the kitchen.

You’ll love Health Coach On Call. It’s like having your very own health and wellness expert ready to help you at your kitchen counter… for an entire day!

Sign up here for my content delivered to your inbox and get access to my free resources.

Day to day you can always find me hanging out here:


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jo hodson jo hodson

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Here are three ways I might inspire you today….

1) Browse my blog and podcast archives with plant-based recipes, mindset articles and podcast episodes for inspiration that may support you on your journey.

2) Join I AM - my private community of people committed to growth and committed to showing up authentically in ownership of their journey. A space to express who we are, who we are becoming or maybe who we are leaving behind.

3) Work with me privately in a design or coaching capacity. If this resonates, reach out me via email and let’s set up a conversation >>>

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jo hodson jo hodson

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I am a designer, personal empowerment coach and writer from the UK. I work with health and wellness businesses to bring their mission and purpose to the world. I also help people become the best version of themselves in mind and body.

Sign up here for my content delivered to your inbox and get access to my free resources.

Day to day you can always find me hanging out here:


I am a designer, personal empowerment coach and writer from the UK. I work with health and wellness businesses to bring their mission and purpose to the world. I also help people become the best version of themselves in mind and body.

Sign up here for my content delivered to your inbox and get access to my free resources.

Day to day you can always find me hanging out here:


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