100 Day Strategy Experiment!

Listen in behind the scenes in real time for 100 days, as I aim to optimise, strategise, connect and align everything I currently offer and ideas for the future ...all in a way that works for my brain and my life.

So, what’s this biz experiment all about?

I have a neurospicy ADHD brain that loves to create ‘all the things’ but often struggles to implement optimised strategies to pull everything together and get it out there.

BUT I love to process my thoughts and workings out loud AND I thrive with accountability and knowing I am helping people beyond the bubble of my noisy brain.

So, this experiment is born...

It’s a win for me as I get to think out loud, have fun, help people, and be kept accountable. At the same time (hopefully) a win for you as you get to peek behind the scenes, pick up new ideas, see what’s working for me or not, permission to be imperfectly human and lots of opportunity to pick my brain as we go along. Plus, there will likely more bonuses and resources as the experiment unfolds.

🎧 Intro Episode 🎧

Listen to this intro episode for more info but mostly to see if i’m your kinda vibe. There are some FAQ’s below too. If you’re feeling it and your curiosity is piqued, I’d love you to join me!

FYI, This is a launch price and it will at least double (if not more) in coming weeks as the experiment unfolds and gets juicy!


✔️ Daily(ish) private podcast episodes to listen to in your favourite podcast app in your own time.

✔️ Weekly Q&A opportunity to pick my brain - via Voxer or email.

✔️ Relevant resources, links, discounts etc added to the experiment hub as things unfold.

100 Day Strategy Experiment
Sale Price:£9.00 Original Price:£18.00

A bit more about me…

I am a creative multi-passionate person with a career background in the design industry. Over the last 10+ years in my own business, I have created and sold soooo many things - physical products, digital products, online services and in person workshops in the UK and overseas.

In 2020 I was diagnosed with ADHD and it was a huge ‘aha’ moment. I realised I had unknowingly created so many workarounds that catered to my neurodivergent brain when it came to getting the ‘creative chaos’ out of my head onto the page.

But honestly, my attempt ‘strategies’ have all been very haphazard and scattered. 

Now I want to change all that, and (hopefully) inspire you in doing the same.

Listen in behind the scenes in real time for next 100 days, as I hold nothing back and share everything I am doing on my strategy quest.

Ps. for those who don’t know I am a full time nomad, mostly living in my self-built camper van, so I will also be sharing how I’m creating a business structure that flows around my unconventional lifestyle.


What do you mean by ‘experiment’?
I am positioning this as a biz experiment because I haven’t done the thing yet and I am not sure how it will all play out. I am not positioning myself as an expert here or with any guarantees of outcome. I am offering an in depth behind the scenes sharing of everything I am trying out as part of the overall goal. P.s Shoutout to Ruth Ridgeway who gave me the initial inspo for creating a ‘biz experiment’.

✨ What format will this experiment take?
It will be primarily a private podcast feed to listen on the go that shares what I am working on and actions taken, plus any additional resources/links added to a main hub page that you’ll get access too once you purchase.

Will there be an opportunity to ask questions or get 1-1 support?
Yes, each week there will be a Q&A day to ask Q’s via email or Voxer voice note. I will either answer you directly if it’s quick reply or record an answer as a part of a podcast sharing if it prompts a longer reflection. For additional support, if something particularly resonates and you want to dive deeper, I do offer Get Unstuck Sessions and Coach On Call days.

✨ Do I need any special programs or apps to join?
Not really. You’ll receive your own special link to the private podcast which you can then subscribe to in the podcast app of your choice to listen at your leisure.

✨Who would it be best suited to?
People who have already created lots of things in their biz (or plan to create lots), such as content, freebies, digital products, and services… BUT feel strategically scattered and overwhelmed, and likely struggling with joining all the dots when it comes to getting organised or optimised. Neurospicy and multi-passionate peeps I see you, you are welcome here! :-)

✨ Who is this experiment less suited to?
This is more the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of everything I am experimenting with, so if you are looking for more of step-by-step technical teaching of the ‘how’ of everything, this wont go into that depth (though I will likely point to the resources I am using to do that).

✨ If I join after the experiment starts will I still be able to access everything?
Yes, You will be able to catch up on all episodes published in the private podcast and all the new ones as they are released. You can also jump in any of the weekly Q&A from when you join. Any the resources as I add them will be available too.

✨ What if I purchase then realise it’s not a good fit for me?
I’m pretty sure you’ll learn something from my experiment but if you don’t feel you have, I'll gladly refund your purchase. Just email me within 14 days of purchase and I’ll refund you in full.

FYI, This is a launch price and it will at least double (if not more) in coming weeks as the experiment unfolds and gets juicy!

Got another question about the experiment?

Email: hello@createwellbeingltd.com or Voxer me @johodson