Coaching.... thoughts continued
Tuesday is my main study day for the IIN course after the new module is released on Monday morning. I have to admit that in many ways I am finding the IIN course easier to get underway because it is highly structured with a new module each week and so there is a great incentive to maintain a steady pace and not get left behind.
However TCA course is totally self structured and I need to enroll on the various modules and fast track days at my own pace under my own steam. Erm... that's kind of meant that so far I haven't made a significant start- I guess it's the overwhelm kicking in a little, since something that is self directed is easier to 'put off' and prioritise others less unknown tasks. Not that I want to undertake the course any less than IIN, so it's interesting how the two very different structures become assimilated into my daily life. I think the self directed study has actuality presented itself as something I need to work on...not relying on 'others' to assist but making the moves of my own accord. i'll keep you posted on that in the next few days as I will definitely be making a start!!
One of the lectures from the last module was by Robert Notter, who talked about self care. This was very important to me as it is a key area I need to work hard on and I often undervalue it's importance. This is a brief bulleted summary of the notes I took:
What to do you do in your daily life that gives self care? Are there areas that you know need a little more attention? I'd love to hear your thoughts too!