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Mantra for Monday no. 92

They say you are the average of the five people you most surround yourself with. With this in mind I have been making a conscious effort over the last year or so to bolster my ‘corner’ with positive people; people who are on my wavelength, people who have the passion and confidence to pursue their dreams, people who are a few steps ahead of me…

I’m no good at marketing or networking…at least not in the traditional sense. Milling around in posh clothes at early morning breakfast meetings shaking hands and smiling at people you hope never to have to speak to again. Ok, that may be a bit extreme since I know it’s not all quite like that, but you see my point.

One thing I have got a little better at doing is connecting with people that matter.  These people empower and encourage me and in return I hope offer them something back. It’s a reciprocal and genuine set up, one that sits much better with me. The people that matter can help fight your corner, build you empire and maybe most importantly help show you the greatness in yourselves that so often we cannot see.

Go out there and build you empire. Find others to believe in your when you struggle to see it in yourself. Everyone needs a hand to hold sometimes.

What is Mantra for Monday?